Friday 24 August 2018


Hi everyone

Today sees the start of another Challenge at

The Challenge is being hosted by Andrea.  The chosen theme is 'Anything Goes'.  Well what could be easier than that!  I have been going through a phase of building up my stock of celebration cards.  Ones that are so useful to have made.  Occasions like Engagement for instance often come right out of the blue, so it is good to have a suitable card made ready.  I started off looking through my images.  I have always loved this one created by Sylvia Zet.  This comes in the form of a pre coloured Hobby House topper.  So useful!

Again, I have used items from Wild Orchid Crafts, Crafteezee (formerly Noor Design UK) and also from my stash.

It would be lovely if you had time to pop over and see the Design Team's beautiful inspiration and even better if you fancy joining in with the challenge. ( )

As always, thanks for looking,

Judy x

Wednesday 8 August 2018


Hi everyone

I am so delighted to be here today to share my card for  Full details can be found by clicking the above link

I started by getting out my embossing folders, and went from there.  The image is one I have had in for some time now from LOTV.  I love using up stash!

Again I have used items from Wild Orchid Crafts. Crafteezee (formerly Noor Design UK) and my stash.

It would be lovely if you could find time to pop over and see the amazing work of the Design Team, and even better if you were to take part in the Challenge.

Thanks for stopping by.

Judy x