Sunday 29 April 2012


 Hi everyone

Today sees the start of another Challenge at The Crafty Pad .  I am very honoured to be asked to be Guest Designer today.    I was lucky enough to be given these digi images to work with from The Crafty Pad called 'Chloe with Daisies'.  What a lovely ticket sentiment this is!

I have used:
Dies: Memory Box, Cheery Lyn and Marianne
Flowers, buttons, pearls, cheesecloth, doiley, and ribbon from stash

I would like to enter this into the following challenges:

Thank you for looking and do pop over to The Crafty Pad , check out the lovely Sketch and take a look at the great work the Design Team have made, I know there is some stunning work, and of course do join in the fun and enter the Challenge too!

Have a great day, 



  1. Oh Judy! Your card is just delightful! I love all the embellishments and textures, it really is fabby and just adorable. Thank you so much for playing along with us at The Crafty Pad and being our guest. It is truly lovely working with you and your amazing talent :)

  2. A stunning card for your GDT spot. I love the image you have used and the sentiment stamp and all your sparkle and of course all your great embellies.

    Hugs Sarahxx

  3. Stunning work Judy! It's such a pretty colour & so much lovely detail to look at!
    Great to have you as GDT at The Crafty Pad this week!
    Dawn xx

  4. This is a gorgeous card Judy, I just love that image and your embellishments are fabulous. Thank you for joining us as Guest Designer at The Crafty Pad.

  5. Hi Judy - what a gorgeous - really pretty and you have used lovely textural embellishments too - thanks for being such a great GDT. :)

    Debbie The Crafty Pad Designs

  6. Another beauty! You are a busy bee. xx

  7. wow so pretty all the beautiful details and the image is really gorgeous ;D

    xx coops xx

  8. Hi Judy,
    this is so gorgeous! I fell in love with it when I saw it and its a pleasure to see you as GDT for us at THE CRAFTY PAD. I LOVE the way you use the cheesecloth on your cards, I'd love for you to point me in the right direction on ebay so that I can purchase some to have a play around with.
    Hugs, Ali x

  9. Me again! Thanks so much for the info on the cheesecloth...I found it on ebay but would NEVER have found it without your help (it's sold by a proper cheesmaking company and I had searched for ever in the crafts section!)
    Enjoy the rest of your Bank Holiday weekend.
    Hugs, Ali x
