Friday 24 January 2014


Hi everyone,

For those of you who are new visitors, my name is Judy and I livfe in UK.   My hobby is cardmaking.  This is a hobby I am really passionate about.  A hobby for sharing.  There are lots of Blog Challenges in which anyone can take part and I have met a lot of lovely people along the way.  I am now on several Design Teams and also do commissions from time to time for the Papercraft Essentials Magazine.

I am delighted to being joining in with the evant at Grow Your Blog and would be delighted if you would like to follow me.   I am looking forward to visiting all your Blogs shortly, this sounds like la whole lot of fun.

Thanks for stopping by,

Judy x


  1. Hi Judy,

    I'm visiting from the Grow Your Blog party. You are very talented! I too love to make cards. I plan to look around a bit more and then be on my way to visit the others. I am following you now. I do hope you will stop by for a visit and enter my giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs – Donna

  2. Glad you got to join in on the fun! Hope you get to meet lots of new friends.


  3. When I grow up I want to be just like You. GYB party following you girl.

    Wow I love my visit. Didn't realize that there is so much going on in cyber world. Forgive me for coming to the party at the last minute, But 600 blog reading was a little tasking. I wanted to read and get to know the girls so I did read everyone's bio. Your my 576 blog and 24 hours left to go. If you like come visit My site contact info is I believe inspiration comes from all facets of life even knowing the great people out there with wisdom and knowledge the do's and don'ts and even the wonders of life from a personal point of view. I liked you following you on goggle connect and Bloglovin you. hope to see you in the cyber neighborhood I am new to blogging so I don't have a lot posted because I got side tract with GYB party. Kind of felt it was important to have some one read my silly chatter. I can't remember a time I didn't dabble in something creative. I tried a little of everything. But, my new love these days is Card making I just love it.
