Thursday 15 May 2014


Hi everyone

Today sees the half way mark for the Challenge at CCAYR, which is entitled 'Santa/Santa's hat' and sponsored by Chi Chi Memories

The card blank has a little story to it.  Some years ago a friend of mine sent me a couple of card blanks similar to this in with a surprise craft parcel.  Well, I just recently came across these in my stash.  So, this card is similar to the ones I had sent but I wanted it to be a little larger.  


I took a piece of A4 card and trimmed it to five inches wide.  I then scored in half and then Half an inch down on one side.  I then punched two holes (not easy but I managed it by cutting what had not cut with my little decoupage scissors) and threaded ribbon.  From there I then trimmed the front to measure four and one half inches from the second scored fold.  The topper (mine measures approx 4 and one half inches long and four inches wide) is then placed centrally so it runs even with the foot of the card so it will stand. 

Image from Chi Chi Memories and coloured with Copics
The Cuttlebug Embossed Cottage folder was stamped by the same friend and was in the same box as the card blanks.  I added stickles.
Flowers from Ebay
Cuttlebug  Embossing Folders
Items from stash
Machine Stitching

Do pop over to the Challenge Blog at CCAYR,  and take a look at the talented Design Team's  lovely creations.  I do hope you can join in with this lovely Challenge. 

Thank you so much for looking,

Judy x


  1. A very striking card Judy.

    Sorry no visit for so long but the NHS are dictating my life still.

    B x

  2. Great image and design...Just

  3. so gorgeous judy.adorable bear and i love your beautiful white on white design ;D

    xx coops xx

  4. Love this Judy like the design of card I have that cottage foler it makes a lovely Christmas card
