Tuesday 9 February 2016


Hi everyone

Grab a cuppa, there are a few photos and a bit of describing to do here.

I know it has been a little quiet on here but I have not had idle hands.  I thought you might like to see one of the items I have recently completed.  It took simply ages!  But I absolutely loved making it.  I have just listed it on eBay, although I did set off making it to add to my stock for the Craft Fairs in the Summer.

So - first off around two to three years ago I spotted a really lovely quality Notebook/Organiser whilst visiting our son.  I bought three!  Well there is safety in numbers yes? lol  They have sat looking at me ever since.  So, this is the first of three which I planned to alter.

 I actually used lots of items from my stash.  Here we have laces,die-cuts, pearls, flowers, Structure paste has been added in places, you name it, it is probably there!

You will see there are also two little altered pegs on the front cover which are detachable.  How much this has actually cost me to make I do not know, I just dare not work it out so I have rough worked it out then just hazarded a guesstimate.  I just wanted to do it!  The next two, when I do them will be slightly different in that I will not be altering the dividers.  I think it really does outprice it.

Front cover:

Inside front cover:  with pocket including two little envelopes, a bookmark and a little 2016 calendar tab.

Inside back cover - there are three inside back covers which have been altered.  I won't show all the inside covers throughout, just a selection.  There are ten in all, and it is double sided making 20.  Need I say more!     Here we have one which has a pocket, the paper is pretty but does not show very well.  Inside I have made a heart tag, and the heart itself has a pocket too.

Each of the ten dividers have been decorated in an assortment of colours.  Here are a selection of photos:

This one has a lovely Sweet Dixie heart die-cut and a place left to slot the little envelope

Again, a band of lace provides a space for a little envelope to be slotted through.  And the green one beneath shows one of the less elaborate dividers.

Well, I loved making this, it took me simply ages, even moreso because I had to keep waiting for a page to dry all the way.

So, (are you still awake? lol)  That is one of the things I have been working on happily in the background.

Watch this space for more.....

Now I am chipping away at some personal cards.  I aim to get up to date with birthdays up to the end of May.  In addition I have two 60th and two 65th cards to make.  So it will keep me out fo mischief.

Well, I hope you are all enjoying your crafting, are well and happy.  Thank you so much for stopping by and looking.

Judy x


  1. What a lovely creation Judy, so much work on each page. It does take time waiting for the inks and paints to dry though doesn't it, have to admit I get impatient.

    B x

  2. Oh my this is pretty. I really do adore all your creations. Have a great day xxx

  3. WOW, WOW, WOW Judy this is breathtakingly beautiful, what detail, what awesome design work, this is stunning an amazing project
    lorraine x

  4. Oh my goodness Judy this is gorgeous! Hate to think how long it must have taken you to make, but as you enjoyed doing it and the result is so beautiful, I guess it doesn't matter - time well spent! Looking forward to seeing the other two!

  5. This is gorgeous Judy, so many fabulous details - I can see why it took ages, well worth the effort.

  6. Your work is so beautiful Judy. I love the way you incorporate so much lovely lace. A really beautiful make and I enjoyed reading through your process. Barbxx

  7. WOW Judy this is amazing you never fail to come up with some thing stunning and your design is wonderful.
    Debs xxx
    {Debs Cards}

  8. OMG you have outdone yourself!! This is simply stunning! The lace looks beautiful and gives it such an elegant look. So my birthday card is finished then?? haha.
    Gina xx
