Sunday 22 January 2017


Hello everyone.  I am here again today with some more inspiration using the lovely Crafteezee Collection.

First of all, for those who do not know, these are Limited Edition.  This month is  3D DECADENCE'. What a wonderful theme!¬   It is a collection assembled by Tracy, who tries to source ALL NEW items each month, focusing on her favourite things.  If there are any left over these go into the store, and if not just those that purchase the kit will receive. Each month is a different theme .   Don't miss out, hop on over HERE to order your kit.  The next one is themed '3D Decadence'.  Doesn't that sound fabulous!  There is also an additional facility using Paypal monthly subscription links.

So, onto what I made using the Crafteezee Collection:

Well I used such a lot of items from the Crafteezee Collection  for the Shadow Box that I needed something simple to use up what was left  over.  So I opted to make another Cake slice box ( Dutch Doobadoo Card Art Pie Set Template) using items from the Collection and selected other things from plus a few things from my own stash.    I still had left over enough to make a card, topping up with items from my stash.  So this Collection has got to be good value.   I will list links below.

Instead of using patterned papers I used embossed card. There is something about white embossed card that makes for a really striking effect.

Here is a  close up showing the cream handmade Foamiran flowers and die-cut leaves together with the lovely pink lace and pearls from the beautiful Collection:

This is my first attempt at making these cream flowers and I must say I am so pleased with the finished result.  I used Flowers of JOY dies, stamens, Foamiran and the most gorgeous dies ever for the leaves, which I cut in green card.  These dies cut a dream!  Just once through and back on my Cuttlebug.  I am so pleased with these.  I will list links below:

 I have absolutely loved using this fabulous Collection!

Thanks for stopping by and happy Crafting



  1. Good morning Judy, ohhhh your flowers are looking fantastic with all the pearls and stames. I like your creation very much.
    Have a nice sunday.
    Hugs Petra

  2. This is so beautiful Judy and I love your fomairan flowers, they look gorgeous!
    Gina xx

  3. Hello Judy, I love your creation it is just so lovely. Can I ask about the pink flowers - are they made out of foamiran, they look very textured? thanks you x

    1. The cream flowers are Foamiran. The pink is a lovely piece of lavish pink floral lace which was included in the Crafteezee Collection. I hope this clarifies things for you. Judy x

  4. WOW!!!! Love this Judy!
    Take care,
