Sunday 15 January 2017


Hello everyone.  I am here again today with some more inspiration using the lovely Crafteezee Collection.

First of all, for those who do not know, these are Limited Edition.  This month is  3D DECADENCE'. What a wonderful theme!¬   It is a collection assembled by Tracy, who tries to source ALL NEW items each month, focusing on her favourite things.  If there are any left over these go into the store, and if not just those that purchase the kit will receive. Each month is a different theme .   Don't miss out, hop on over HERE to order your kit.  The next one is themed '3D Decadence'.  Doesn't that sound fabulous!  There is also an additional facility using Paypal monthly subscription links.

So, onto what I made using the Crafteezee Collection:

I opted to make an Altered SHADOW BOX using items from the Collection and selected other things from plus a few things from my own stash.   I will list links below.

I toyed with the idea of applying Gesso and Mixed Media products, and to be honest I was dithering.  I just could not make my mind up which way to go with this.  Eventually I decided on the Shabby style which I so love.  So you will see Double row pearl trim, (from the shop)  beautiful PION papers, flowers and lace (from the Collection) together with other beautiful things too.  I can tell you I used almost all of the two sheets of paper in the Collection.  The rosette I made from some of the paper scraps and added the lovely pearl embellishment from the Collection.

The top two right compartments have little tiny hooks (bought locally).  I then made four beaded wine glass charms and these are hanging from the hooks.

Here are some close ups:

The shabby seam binding is a lovely shade of pink.  I just love these shades available. The gorgeous pearl button (sitting on the lovely crotchet little doily from the Collection) was from the shop.    Again I will put links below.

Here we have the lovely little bottle which I have filled with glitter.  This is placed on top of one of the tiny little crotchet doilies from the Collection.  Again I will put links below.

Here we have the rosette which I made from scraps of paper.  The beautiful button from the Collection is also available from the shop.  This is sitting on a tiny piece of cheesecloth.

Here, along the roof we have beautiful Gwendoline lace which I will link below:

And finally a view of the flowers (from the Collection)  and Double row pearl trim

 I have absolutely loved using this fabulous Collection!

Thanks for stopping by and happy Crafting


Should anything be out of stock feel free to email Tracy
as it could well be on its way into the shop, or she might be able to get it for you.

The products used can be ordered in the Noor! Design U.K. webshop:


  1. Wow Judy what a stunning project. I love the papers, laces and pearl trims around. Lovely flowers and bows; I like all the deco and color scheme too.
    Hugs Petra

  2. Well Miss Judy, this is simply devine! You have outdone yourself! The design and embellishments are absolutely amazing.
    Gina xx

  3. Gorgeous project hun, fabulous use of the products, so gorgeous, hugs Liz xx
